Conocimientos de los estudiantes sobre las licencias copyleft: el caso de la Universidad de Extremadura

Autor: Muriel-Torrado, Enrique, Fernández-Molina, J-Carlos
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Muriel-Torrado, Enrique and Fernández-Molina, J-Carlos Conocimientos de los estudiantes sobre las licencias copyleft: el caso de la Universidad de Extremadura., 2011 . In V Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2011, Badajoz, Spain, 17-19/11/2011. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: Both when using other people's works (handbooks, monographs, journal articles...) as they create their own intellectual work (course work, final projects, theses...) students face problems with copyright. In fact, usually they don’t know what they can do with other people's works and what they should do to protect theirs. Thus, college students consider copyright law as a real obstacle to the development of their academic work. Most of the difficulty comes from the our strict current copyright system, that complicates the use of works without the rights holders permission even in cases which they are unknown or not reachable. To overcome the difficulties of this excessive rigidity of the classical system, emerged copyleft licenses like Creative Commons, which make it easier for authors to reserve those rights and allow the uses as they prefer. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and perception of copyleft licenses by university students, to see how far they can use them properly in their own academic work. To achieve these objectives, we designed a survey to students of the University of Extremadura, the results are analyzed and discussed throughout this work.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)