Přispěvatelé: Swain, Chandrakanta, Satpathy, Sunil, Rautaray, Bijayalaxmi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Swain, Chandrakanta and Satpathy, Sunil and Rautaray, Bijayalaxmi, eds. MODERNISATION OF LIBRARIES: A CHALLENGE IN DIGITAL ERA., 2008 Mahamaya Publishing House,New Delhi. [Book]
Druh dokumentu: Kniha
Popis: With the growing emphasis on use of information technologies, libraries have undergone major structural changes in terms of their collection, organization and services. The traditional concepts of libraries are becoming absolate day by day with the emergence of new digital means of storage and dissemination of information. In the process of modernization, electronic resources and digital objects are replacing traditional library collections. The automation system and services of libraries are adapting new technology like electromagnetic, RFID etc. Library networks are formed at different levels for resource sharing and cooperation. New concepts such as consortia mode of acquisition, open access initiative by publishing open access journals and creating open access archives are getting momentum in libraries. Digital Libraries are the latest important development in the field of Library and Information Science. According to these developments, modernization of libraries in digital era has posed new problems for LIS professionals. Keeping pace with these changes in libraries, the course curriculum of Library and Information Science at Bachelor, Master and M.Phil level have changed to a great extent. In this changing library environment, this book is an attempt to help students, teachers, professionals and researchers of LIS in keeping themselves update on recent trends of libraries.. This book includes 21 chapters contributed by the eminent LIS teachers and professionals of all over India and abroad.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)