Non-Venereal Treponematoses: Global Status

Autor: Gideon Informatics, Inc, Dr. Stephen Berger, GIDEON science team
Popis: Non-Venereal Treponematoses: Global Status is one in a series of GIDEON ebooks which explore all individual infectious diseases, drugs, vaccines, outbreaks, surveys and pathogens in every country of the world. Data are based on the GIDEON web application ( which relies on standard text books, peer-review journals, Health Ministry reports and ProMED, supplemented by an ongoing exhaustive search of the medical literature.The ebook includes: 1. Descriptive epidemiology 2. Clinical features 3. Distribution map 4. Images 5. Global status and status in every relevant country 6. ReferencesNon-Venereal Treponematoses: Global Status includes separate sections on Endemic syphilis (bejel), Pinta, and Yaws.
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