Bouncing Forwards : Notes on Resilience, Courage and Change

Autor: Patrick Regan
Popis: 'This is a brilliant, timely book for everyone - especially when life is vulnerable and volatile - and it has been written by one of the most resilient leaders I know.'- Pete Greig, 24-7 Prayer International and Emmaus Rd ChurchYou'll bounce backHow many of us have heard these well-meaning words when faced with mental or physical health challenges, trauma or the loss of dreams? And yet, life's battles can leave us scarred and changed. Why would we want to go back when what we've been through has taught us so much?It's time to bounce forwards instead.'Nobody is immune from the storms of life. Patrick's book is a lifeboat while the waves are crashing but it is much more than that: Bouncing Forwards is a guide that helps us to navigate through tricky waters so that we become better equipped for the journey of life. It's an honest, wise and practical handbook for growing in resilience. I can't recommend it highly enough.'- Cathy Madavan Speaker, Writer, Broadcaster and Author of Irrepressible
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