De la relation pharmaciens-usagers. Reconfigurations et négociations dans une pharmacie suisse

Autor: Josiane Mbarga, Rose-Anna Foley, Anne Decollogny
Jazyk: francouzština
Zdroj: Anthropologie & Santé, Vol 9
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2111-5028
DOI: 10.4000/anthropologiesante.1494
Popis: Based on interviews and observations carried out in an on-duty pharmacy in French-speaking Switzerland, this study explores relationships pharmacists have with their clients. In a context of democratisation of health knowledge, our investigation shows that, depending on the health problem, this relationship is being reconfigured in favour of users’ greater autonomy. Indeed, in some situations, clients wish to manage their problem, forgoing the competence or advice of the pharmacist. But, in other circumstances, while increasing their efforts to meet the customers’ needs, professionals can reaffirm their expertise if the problem raised or the drugs needed require greater attention. As a consequence, the pharmacist-client relationship is one of continuous negotiation depending on the flexibility of the actors at a given moment.
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