Modeling the pasture-associated severe equine asthma bronchoalveolar lavage fluid proteome identifies molecular events mediating neutrophilic airway inflammation

Autor: Bright LA, Dittmar W, Nanduri B, McCarthy FM, Mujahid N, Costa LRR, Burgess SC, Swiderski CE
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports, Vol Volume 10, Pp 43-63 (2019)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2230-2034
Popis: Lauren A Bright,1 Wellesley Dittmar,1 Bindu Nanduri,2 Fiona M McCarthy,3 Nisma Mujahid,2 Lais RR Costa,2 Shane C Burgess,3 Cyprianna E Swiderski11Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762, USA; 2Department of Basic Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762, USA; 3School of Animal Comparative and Biomedical Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USABackground: Pasture-associated severe equine asthma is a warm season, environmentally-induced respiratory disease characterized by reversible airway obstruction, persistent and non-specific airway hyper-responsiveness, and chronic neutrophilic airway inflammation. During seasonal exacerbation, signs vary from mild to life-threatening episodes of wheezing, coughing, and chronic debilitating labored breathing.Purpose: In human asthma, neutrophilic airway inflammation is associated with more severe and steroid-refractory asthma phenotypes, highlighting a need to decipher the mechanistic basis of this disease characteristic. We hypothesize that the collective biological activities of proteins in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of horses with pasture-associated severe asthma predict changes in neutrophil functions that contribute to airway neutrophilic inflammation.Methods: Using shotgun proteomics, we identified 1,003 unique proteins in cell-free BALF from six horses experiencing asthma exacerbation and six control herdmates. Contributions of each protein to ten neutrophil functions were modeled using manual biocuration to determine each protein’s net effect on the respective neutrophil functions.Results: A total of 417 proteins were unique to asthmatic horses, 472 proteins were unique to control horses (p
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