AIoT-Based Visual Anomaly Detection in Photovoltaic Sequence Data via Sequence Learning

Autor: Qian Wei, Hongjun Sun, Jingjing Fan, Guojun Li, Zhiguang Zhou
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: Energies, Vol 17, Iss 21, p 5369 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1996-1073
DOI: 10.3390/en17215369
Popis: Anomaly detection is a common analytical task aimed at identifying rare cases that differ from the majority of typical cases in a dataset. In the management of photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems, it is essential for electric power companies to effectively detect anomalies in PV sequence data, as this helps operators and experts understand and interpret anomalies within PV arrays when making response decisions. However, traditional methods that rely on manual labor and regular data collection are difficult to monitor in real time, resulting in delays in fault detection and localization. Traditional machine learning algorithms are slow and cumbersome in processing data, which affects the operational safety of PV plants. In this paper, we propose a visual analytic approach for detecting and exploring anomalous sequences in a PV sequence dataset via sequence learning. We first compare the sequences with their reconstructions through an unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm (Long Short-Term Memory) based on AutoEncoders to identify anomalies. To further enhance the accuracy of anomaly detection, we integrate the artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) technology with a strict time synchronization data collection and real-time processing algorithm. This integration ensures that data from multiple sensors are synchronized and processed in real time. Then, we analyze the characteristics of the anomalies based on the visual comparison of different PV sequences and explore the potential correlation factors to analyze the possible causes of the anomalies. Case studies based on authentic enterprise datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in the anomaly detection and exploration of PV sequence data.
Databáze: Directory of Open Access Journals
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