Introduction: Faith after the Anthropocene

Autor: Matthew Wickman, Jacob Sherman
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Religions, Vol 11, Iss 8, p 378 (2020)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2077-1444
DOI: 10.3390/rel11080378
Popis: This is the introductory essay to the Special Issue “Faith after the Anthropocene” published in Religions 11:4 and 11:5. How does the Earth’s precarious state reveal our own? How does this vulnerable condition prompt new ways of thinking and being? The essays that are part of this collection consider how the transformative thinking demanded by our vulnerability inspires us to reconceive our place in the cosmos, alongside each other and, potentially, before God. Who are we “after” (the concept of) the Anthropocene? What forms of thought and structures of feeling might attend us in this state? How might we determine our values and to what do we orient our hopes? Faith, a conceptual apparatus for engaging the unseen, helps us weigh the implications of this massive, but in some ways mysterious, force on the lives we lead; faith helps us visualize what it means to exist in this new and still emergent reality.
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