The prevalence and factors affecting the use of contraceptive methods among Saudi women in Sabya, Jazan, Saudi Arabia

Autor: Hind Abdallah Modawi Elamin, Iman Khalifa Abdel Gadir, Mashael Hassan Ahmad Alhazmi, Najla Hassan Owisi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Saudi Journal for Health Sciences, Vol 11, Iss 1, Pp 48-54 (2022)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2278-0521
DOI: 10.4103/sjhs.sjhs_135_21
Popis: Context: The socioeconomic changes in the Saudi community with an increase in women's education and employment resulted in changes in the concept of birth spacing and contraceptives use. Aims: The goal of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of contraception usage among Saudi women in Sabya City in Jazan, as well as the socioeconomic, demographic, and reproductive variables that impact contraception use. Settings and Design: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study, conducted between January and October 2020. Subjects and Methods: Data were collected by direct interview of 220 Saudi married women at reproductive age, during their routine visit to primary care centers in Sabya City_Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Statistical Analysis Used: A Chi-squared test was performed to evaluate the factors associated with contraceptive use. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The prevalence of contraceptive use was 75%. Pills were the most used method, most of the users obtain their contraceptives from the Pharmacy. The majority of participants (84%) had poor knowledge regarding contraceptive methods, however, the acceptance rate for using contraception was high (82.3%). History of having an abnormal child and experience of unintended pregnancy were the only factors significantly associated with the use of contraceptives, all the investigated sociodemographic factors were not significantly associated with contraceptive use. The most important reason for not using contraception was the husband's disagreement. Conclusions: This study revealed that a high percentage of Saudi women in the Jazan region are using contraceptives, though their knowledge is poor. This indicates the need for greater efforts to improve the quality of family planning services in the region.
Databáze: Directory of Open Access Journals
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