Histo-morphometric Analysis of an Idiopathic 'Kink' in the Transverse Colon

Autor: Naveen Kumar, Anitha Guru, Ashwini Aithal P, Arijit Bishnu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, Vol 07, Iss 02, Pp 111-116 (2018)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2231-4261
Popis: Presence of kinked transverse colon is not a very common phenomenon. Its presence may not cause physiological disturbance. However, at times when it requires endoscopy, the abrupt looped course of the transverse colon might set a risk of entrapment of the device, which in turn might lead to severe complications and undue discomfort to the patient. An idiopathic kink in the transverse colon of an adult male cadaver was noted and its morphometric and histopathological analysis was performed. The exact location and gross morphometric measurements of the kinks in the transverse colon was recorded. Small pieces of the colon at the regions of kinks were removed, processed, and stained with Haemetoxylin and Eosin, Alcian Blue- Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stain and Masson Trichrome stain for histopathological examination. Transverse colon presented with an abrupt loop towards its splenic end by the presence of proximal and distal kinks. Histopathological features of the mucosa at the areas of kink showed foci of surface erosions composed of parallelly placed tubular glands lined by columnar cells, interspersed by goblet cells. Submucosa was oedematous with few congested vessels. Presence of such unusual kink and the loop together may be the cause for forceful forward push of the device introduced into it during colonoscopy and might result in the damage of its mucosa.
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