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The main aim of this article was, using subjective information, to analyze the forgotten factors that influence the motivation of Boyacenses to become entrepreneurs. The study was carried out with entrepreneurs enrolled in the Boyacá Region Brand Program (BRBP). For the treatment of the collected data, the method of the experts and the theory of forgotten effects were used to identify second-generation incidences involving motivational factors in Boyacense entrepreneurs. The research questions that guided the study were as follows: What are the forgotten effects among the motivational factors of entrepreneurship? What are the intermediate factors that generate the second-order effects? What are the economic, psychological, cultural, and environmental factors that have second-order effects among them? Among the main findings, it was possible to visualize second-degree relationships between economic, cultural, and psychological factors. Additionally, in the case of entrepreneurs from Boyacá, the primary motivation for most of them to develop their business idea was economic independence, while the least motivating was the improvement of social status. Likewise, the need for achievement was highlighted. Finally, the country’s economic situation was found to work against the development of entrepreneurship. |