Autor: A. O. Lovska
Jazyk: English<br />Ukrainian
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Nauka ta progres transportu, Vol 72, Iss 6, Pp 49-60 (2017)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2307-3489
DOI: 10.15802/stp2017/118993
Popis: Purpose. The study is aimed at determination of the loading of containers in mixed trains when transporting by train ferries. Methodology. In order to achieve the objective the author studied accelerations (as components of the dynamic load) influencing the bearing structure of a 1CC standard container located on a flat car during transportation by train ferry. In order to determine accelerations influencing the bearing structure of a container, a mathematical model of the container’s movements under train ferry oscillations was made. The model considered angular displacements of a train ferry relative to the longitudinal axis (bank) as being the maximum load on the bearing structure, as well as changes in the container stability relative to the flat car frame. While working out the motion equations three diagrams of interrelation between the container and the flat car located on the train ferry deck were considered: 1) absence of displacements of the flat car and containers relative to the initial place under the train ferry oscillations; 2) with displacements of the flat car under the train ferry oscillations when containers are immovable relative to the flat car frame; 3) with displacements of the flat car relative to the deck and relative to the flat car frame. The differential equations of motion were solved in Mathсad taking into account their reduction to a normal Cauchy problemwith a subsequent integration by the Runge–Kutta method. Findings. Refined values of accelerations influencing the bearing structure of containers located on the flat car while transporting by train ferry were obtained. Originality. The mathematical models of displacements of container bearing structures located on a flat car while transporting by train ferry were proposed. Practical value. The results of investigations can be applied for designing bearing structures of new generation containers, besides they may improve the efficiency of mixed transportation along the international transport corridors.
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