The family villa of Dr. Dragutin Kojić in Zakuta: Project of architect Branislav Kojić

Autor: Pašajlić Bojana, Bogdanović Natalija
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Nasleđe, Vol 2023, Iss 24, Pp 87-100 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1450-605X
DOI: 10.5937/nasledje2324087P
Popis: The subject of this work is the analysis and interpretation of the legacy of the Kojić family, through the project of the family villa built in 1930 in the village of Zakuta (Kraljevo municipality), which is also the work of the architect and professor Dr. Branislav Kojić (1899-1987), a close relative of the building's investor; Minister of Justice Dr. Dragutin Kojić (1888-1941). During the research and writing of the paper, established scientific methods in accordance with the needs of studying hitherto unknown and insufficiently elucidated data were applied. The historical method was applied during the collection of relevant materials and the formation of a critical approach, and this was complemented by the method of gathering facts through interviews. Methods of analysis and generalization are introduced to the main body of the text. The goal of the work is to investigate the lesser-known oeuvre of the Belgrade-based architect Branislav Kojić to allow it to contribute more fully to the evaluation of his opus, but also to allow recognition of the building as stand-alone architectural heritage of value in a broader sense. In parallel, the work emphasizes various aspects of Branislav Kojić's activities through the interweaving of traditional and contemporary, and also explores the connection between Dragutin and Branislav Kojić.
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