The World of the Tapestry of Buryatia: analytical review of the exhibition

Autor: Zhambaeva, T.I.
Jazyk: English<br />Russian
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Искусство Евразии, Vol 2021, Iss 1 (20), Pp 298-307 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2518-7767
DOI: 10.46748/ARTEURAS.2021.01.022
Popis: The author presents the concept of an exhibition dedicated to the tapestry art of ethnic Buryatia since its inception in the region, in the 1970s to the present day. For the first time, in one exhibition were presented the works of 15 authors, performed in different materials and directions. The purpose of the exhibition project is to show the creative achievements of artists, the variety of themes and plots that reflect the specifics of the region. During the preparation for the exhibition, both theoretical and empirical research methods were used: bibliographic sources were studied, meetings, conversations with authors were held in order to obtain a more complete and holistic idea of the concept of the works and the nature of creation. Combining rather disparate materials into a single exhibition concept is currently relevant for the development of modern decorative and applied art in Buryatia in the field of soft materials. As a result, the article presents a kind of artistic space of tapestry art, filled with an individual vision, united by the specifics of expressive means in the field of hand weaving.
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