中小包装食用油自动化立体库与平面仓库的对比分析Comparative analysis of automatic three-dimensional warehouse and flat warehouse for medium and small packaged edible oil

Autor: 蒋守业1,王武晨1,张永远2,李振兴1,彭小磊3,叶强4JIANG Shouye1, WANG Wuchen1, ZHANG Yongyuan2, LI Zhenxing1, PENG Xiaolei3, YE Qiang
Jazyk: English<br />Chinese
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: Zhongguo youzhi, Vol 49, Iss 1, Pp 140-144 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1003-7969
DOI: 10.19902/j.cnki.zgyz.1003-7969.220630
Popis: 旨在为仓储物流行业及油脂加工厂中仓库设计提供借鉴,以库容量10万箱中小包装食用油(5 L小包装、10 L中包装成品油各5万箱)仓库为研究案例,系统分析了两种仓库(平面仓库和自动化立体库)的主要特点,从占地面积、生产成本、建设投资、运营费用等方面对两种仓库的技术方案进行了比较,并对两种仓库进行了经济分析。结果表明:自动化立体库相较于平面仓库能减少66.4%的占地面积,每年能够节约运营成本近50万元;自动化立体库的增量投资收益率为19.01%,增量投资回收期为5.26年,费用现值相比平面仓库低114万元。针对多品种、多拣选、年吞吐量大、产品可追溯性高、衔接工厂MES/ERP系统且持续运营在6年以上的仓库,使用自动化立体库能够显著降低项目总持有成本,降低工人劳动强度,提高发货效率,改进客户体验。In order to provide reference for the warehouse logistics industry and the warehouse design in oil processing plant, warehouse with a storage capacity of 100 000 boxes (each 50 000 boxes of 5 L small packaged oil and 10 L medium packaged oil) was used as a research case, the main features of two types of warehouse (automatic three-dimensional warehouse and flat warehouse) were systematically analyzed, the technical schemes of the two warehouses were compared through warehouse floor space, production costs, construction investment, operation costs and other aspects, their economic analysis was also conducted. The results showed that compared with flat warehouse, automatic three-dimensional warehouse could reduce 66.4% of the floor space, and save operation costs nearly 500 000 yuan per year. The incremental investment return rate of automatic three-dimensional warehouse was 19.01%, the incremental investment payback period was 5.26 years, and the cost present value was 1.14 million yuan lower than flat warehouse. For multi-species, multi-picking, large annual throughput, high product traceability, connecting factory MES/ERP system, and continuous operation in more than 6 years of warehouses, the use of automatic three-dimensional warehouse can significantly reduce the total cost of ownership of the project and the intensity of labor, improve delivery efficiency and customer experience.
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