Effects of information and communication technology platforms on university students academic performance

Autor: O Omorogiuwa, J.N. Ndunagu, S.M. Ogbesor
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol 23, Iss 11 (2020)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2659-1502
DOI: 10.4314/jasem.v23i11.20
Popis: This study investigated the effects of social media and its influence on the academic performance of the students in the National Open University (NOUN), Benin Study Center using a self-developed structured questionnaire called “Social Media and Academic Performance of Students Questionnaire (SMAAPOS)” with 395 student respondents. Data obtained shows that 597 (46%) of the participants’ responded Strongly Agree that students addictiveness to social network has a significant influence on their academic performance, while 312 (24%) Agree, 262 (20%) Disagree, and 125 (10%) Strongly Disagree, and that there is a significant influence on student’s usages of social media network by age. Keywords: Social Network Sites, Information and Communication Technology, Academy performance
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