Assessment of Climate Changes in the Caspian Sea by trend analyzing the sea surface temperature

Autor: Akbar Zahraei, Javad KHoshhal Dastjerdi, Abdolazim GHanghermeh
Jazyk: perština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: مخاطرات محیط طبیعی, Vol 8, Iss 20, Pp 217-232 (2019)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2676-4377
DOI: 10.22111/jneh.2018.23338.1361
Popis: Changes the Sea surface temperature and lake can have significant impacts on marine ecosystems and the lives of human societies on the edges of these seas. By trend analyzing the temperature of sea surface temperatures, we can examine the extent of its impact on global climate change. Given the fact that the Caspian Sea is known as the world's largest closed water body, these changes in surface water temperatures can cause great damage to the sensitive and fragile ecosystem of this sea. The purpose of the present research is to analyze the trend of sea surface temperature in the Caspian Sea in order to investigate the effect of this sea on global climate change in order to apply it in management plans to maintain the balance of this valuable water ecosystem. This research was performed using non-parametric statistical methods on 720 cells using network data with a spatial resolution of 0.25 * 0.25 * arcs in a 29-year statistical period. The results of the study showed that the monthly, seasonal and annual monthly water temperature of the Caspian Sea has a significant upward trend, which requires the attention of planners and decision makers in the margins of this sea to maintain ecosystem balance. Considering that the Caspian Sea is a closed system, any appreciable increase in surface water temperature can have adverse effects on aquatic life, water resources, evaporation from the sea level and, consequently, on the level and status of pollution of the sea.
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