Influence of interpersonal relationships on acquaintance with digital technologies

Autor: Selezneva Yulya, Pakhomova Victoria
Jazyk: English<br />French
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: E3S Web of Conferences, Vol 273, p 11010 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2267-1242
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202127311010
Popis: The article analyzes features of a modern family and shows the role of parent-child relations in the formation of the "I" image of a younger pupil; relationship between the peculiarities of parent-child relations and the degree of exposure of primary school children to the computer game reality is revealed. The thesis is substantiated that a certain type of upbringing, peculiarities of interaction with a child in a family provoke an excessive enthusiasm for computer games in children of primary school age, causing destructive changes in the construction of the "I" image of a younger pupil. The image of the "I" of active users of computer games is characterized by the indefiniteness of descriptions of the physical "I", weak reflection of their own emotional experiences and bodily sensations, unrealistic (overestimated) level claims, inadequate self-esteem. Child-parent relations in families where active and inactive users of computer games are brought up differ in the types of parental attitudes: acceptance, authoritarian hypersocialization, infantilization and symbiosis.
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