The Effectiveness of Verbal Self-Instruction Method on Pessimistic Attribution Style about Negative Events in Children with Dyslexia

Autor: Zahra Eyni Mirkoohi, Firoozeh Sajedi, Narges Adib Sereshki, Pouria Reza Soltani
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, Vol 13, Iss 4, Pp 85-89 (2015)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1735-3602
Popis: Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of verbal self-Instruction on pessimistic attribution style about negative events in children with dyslexia. Methods: The study was experimental with pre-test-post-test and control group. The statistical population consists of all dyslexic students of Maktab Ali School in Tehran City. Forty students were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly allocated to two groups: experimental and control. Experimental group received verbal self-Instruction, Mychnbam and Goodman method in 8 sessions (2 sessions per week, each lasting 45 minutes) while the control group received only the routine school training. The measurement was Children's Attribution Style Questionnaire (CASQ).‌‌ Data analysis using multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: Negative pessimistic attribution style (general, stable and internal) were significantly decreased (P
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