DUSHA ('SOUL') and TELO ('BODY') in the Aspect of Contrastive Analysis of Cultural Concepts: Materials for the Linguo-Cultorological Phraseological Dictionary of Russian-Kazakh Correlations

Autor: T. B. Radbil, G. A. Akhmetzhanova, Z. Zh. Zhumagulova, A. E. Seralieva, G. E. Seralieva
Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Научный диалог, Vol 0, Iss 3, Pp 127-150 (2020)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2225-756X
DOI: 10.24224/2227-1295-2020-3-127-150
Popis: Some preliminary results of joint research lexicographic project of Russian and Kazakh linguists on linguo-cultorological contrastive analysis of Russian-Kazakh phraseological correlations are discussed in the article. The work presents the experience of contrastive lexicographic description of the concepts ZHAN - DUSHA (“SOUL”) and DENE / BOY - TELO (“BODY”) in the aspect of their language objectification in Russian and Kazakh phraseologisms. The purpose is to give contrastive analysis of the opposite concepts ZHAN - DUSHA (“SOUL”) and DENE / BOY - TELO (“BODY”) in their phraseological representation in Russian and Kazakh. The material for the study is the data of Russian and Kazakh phraseological dictionaries. The theoretical basis of the work is the ideas of language conceptualization of the world, the principles cognitive interpretation of elements of “a language of culture” and the methodology of linguo-cultorological study in phraseologisms. The standard method of conceptual analysis and the method of contrastive phraseological analysis are used un the article. It is shown that there are a lot of substantial resemblances in phraseological representations of the concepts in Russian and Kazakh lingual cultures resulting from general principles of language conceptualization of reality in languages of the world. On the other side, some conceptual divergences between compared languages are also revealed: they are caused by peculiarities of nature and culture environment as well as by diversity in changing of nominations for imaginative denotation of approximately analogous substance. The authors come at a conclusion that the contrary concepts ZHAN - DUSHA (“SOUL”) and DENE / BOY - TELO (“BODY”) are revealed in the mirror of each other in phraseology of compared languages.
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