The Influence of Manganese on Growth Processes of Hordeum L. (Poaceae) Seedlings

Autor: Kirill Tkachenko, Irina Kosareva, Marina Frontasyeva
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Plants, Vol 10, Iss 5, p 1009 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2223-7747
DOI: 10.3390/plants10051009
Popis: Manganese, as one of the xenobionts, belongs to the group of heavy metals, which, in high concentrations, can negatively affect the development of plants. In small concentrations, it is necessary for plants for normal growth and development. It is present in soils and is available to plants to varying degrees. In acidic soils, it often acts as a toxic element, and plants do not develop well and can even die. Screening major crops for manganese tolerance is essential. Based on the analysis of the collection of barley (Hordeum L., Poaceae), the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) presented data that manganese-tolerant varieties and samples are concentrated in western and northern countries with a wide distribution of soils with low pH levels and high contents of mobile manganese. It follows from the diagnostic results that the maximum number of barley genotypes resistant to manganese is concentrated in Sweden, Finland, the northwestern and northern regions of the CIS countries, and the Russian Federation. In most cases, the samples tolerant to Al showed resistance to Mn as well, which is of great interest for further study of the mechanisms of plant resistance to these stressors. As a rule, samples from the northern territories—zones of distribution of acidic soils—were highly resistant. In this case, the role of the species belonging to the sample was leveled out. The highlighted areas (Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden), northern and northwestern regions of Russia, Belarus, and the Baltic countries) are sources of germplasm valuable for selection for acid resistance of barley.
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