Mood and suicidality amongst cyberbullied adolescents- a cross-sectional study from youth risk behavior survey

Autor: Y.C. Hsieh, P. Jain, N. Veluri, J. Bhela, B. Sheikh, F. Bangash, J. Gude, R. Subhedar, M. Zhang, M. Shah, Z. Mansuri, K. Aedma, T. Parikh
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: European Psychiatry, Vol 64, Pp S85-S86 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 0924-9338
DOI: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2021.255
Popis: Introduction There is a limited literature available showing mental health burden among adolescents following cyberbullying. Objectives Aim is to evaluate the association of low mood and suicidality amongst cyberbullied adolescents. Methods A study on CDC National Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) (1991-2017). Responses from adolescence related to cyberbullying and suicidality were evaluated. Chi-square and mix-effect multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to find out the association of cyberbullying with sadness/hopelessness, suicide consideration, plan, and attempts. Results A total of 10,463 adolescents, 14.8% of adolescents faced cyberbullying a past year. There was a higher prevalence of cyberbullying in youths aged 15-17 years (25 vs 26 vs 23%), which included more females to males (68 vs 32%).(p
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