On the question of local causal treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

Autor: K. A. Nikitin
Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Медицинский совет, Vol 0, Iss 17, Pp 17-19 (2015)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2079-701X
DOI: 10.21518/2079-701X-2015-17-17-19
Popis: As is known, the most common disease in the world is acute rhinitis which in turn is caused by acute respiratory infection. Currently, there are over 200 strains of ARI and flu viruses which belong to different groups (parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RS), etc. [1, 4, 7] At the same time, there is a certain affinity of respiratory viruses to the affected areas: rhinovirus, which constitutes about 100 strains, is the most common cause of rhinitis. On average, adults suffer from ARVI 2--4 times, and children 3--8 times per year. [6, 7].
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