Analysis of Vibration Characteristics of Optical Fiber Composite Submarine Cable under Anchoring

Autor: Qiu-feng SHANG, Biao GONG, Guo-qiang ZHENG
Jazyk: čínština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Guangtongxin yanjiu, Vol 00, Iss 05, Pp 45-49,56 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1005-8788
DOI: 10.13756/j.gtxyj.2021.05.007&lang=zh
Popis: In view of the insufficient research on the vibration characteristics of the submarine cable fault signal, A three-dimensional finite element model of the optical fiber composite submarine cable (submarine cable) under the anchoring action is established. The simulation calculation is carried out under the anchoring conditions with a mass of 151.16 kg and a speed of 6.95 m/s. The acceleration data of the submarine cable optical unit is obtained in theX, YandZdirections under the anchoring action. The vibration characteristics, including the amplitude frequency characteristic, energy entropy and kurtosis of vibration acceleration signal, are analyzed. The analysis of the vibration characteristics of the submarine cable under the action of anchoring provides a reference for the use of optical fiber technology to monitor the working status of the submarine cable.
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