Structure of the Golets Vysochaishy gold deposit (Northern Transbaikalia)

Autor: V. A. Vanin, A. M. Mazukabzov
Jazyk: English<br />Russian
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Геодинамика и тектонофизика, Vol 12, Iss 1, Pp 60-75 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2078-502X
DOI: 10.5800/GT-2021-12-1-0512
Popis: The article describes the fold-thrust structure of the Golets Vysochaishy deposit located at the Baikal-Patom Upland in the Marakan-Tunguska megasyncline. The latter is composed of terrigenous-carbonate carbonaceous rocks metamorphosed in greenschist facies conditions. The deposit is detected in the hanging wing of the asymmetric Kamenskaya anticline. In a cross section, the anticline is an S-shaped structure extending in the latitudinal direction. The main feature of the Golets Vysochaishy deposit is the development of interlayer sulfidization zones (pyrite, pyrrhotite), including gold-bearing ones. Its gold-ore zones tend to occur in layered areas of interlayer sliding in the rocks of the Khomolkhinskaya suite.Four structural markers revealed within the deposit area are indicative of repeated deformation processes: (1) sublatitudinal folding, cleavage of the axial surface and its subsequent transformation into schistosity; (2) crenulation cleavage; (3) interlayer sliding and rock breakdown with interlayer drag folds, parallel microfractures and polished slickensides; (4) large quartz veins and veinlets that cross cut the main structural elements in plan.
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