Clifford-Deformed Compass Codes

Autor: Campos, Julie A., Brown, Kenneth R.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We can design efficient quantum error-correcting (QEC) codes by tailoring them to our choice of quantum architecture. Useful tools for constructing such codes include Clifford deformations and appropriate gauge fixings of compass codes. In this work, we find Clifford deformations that can be applied to elongated compass codes resulting in QEC codes with improved performance under noise models with errors biased towards dephasing commonly seen in quantum computing architectures. These Clifford deformations enhance decoder performance by introducing symmetries, while the stabilizers of compass codes can be selected to obtain more information on high-rate errors. As a result, the codes exhibit thresholds that increase with bias and display lower logical error rates. One of the Clifford deformations we explore yields QEC codes with better thresholds and logical error rates than those of the XZZX surface code at moderate biases.
Databáze: arXiv