Dense cell-by-cell systems of PDEs: approximation, spectral analysis, and preconditioning

Autor: Benedusi, Pietro, Ferrari, Paola, Causemann, Marius, Serra-Capizzano, Stefano
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: In the present study, we consider the Extra-Membrane-Intra model (EMI) for the simulation of excitable tissues at the cellular level. We provide the (possibly large) system of partial differential equations (PDEs), equipped with ad hoc boundary conditions, relevant to model portions of excitable tissues, composed of several cells. In particular, we study two geometrical settings: computational cardiology and neuroscience. The Galerkin approximations to the considered system of PDEs lead to large linear systems of algebraic equations, where the coefficient matrices depend on the number $N$ of cells and the fineness parameters. We give a structural and spectral analysis of the related matrix-sequences with $N$ fixed and with fineness parameters tending to zero. Based on the theoretical results, we propose preconditioners and specific multilevel solvers. Numerical experiments are presented and critically discussed, showing that a monolithic multilevel solver is efficient and robust with respect to all the problem and discretization parameters. In particular, we include numerical results increasing the number of cells $N$, both for idealized geometries (with $N$ exceeding $10^5$) and for realistic, densely populated 3D tissue reconstruction.
Databáze: arXiv