Canonical strong coupling spin wave expansion of Kondo lattice magnets. I. Effective Hamiltonian via canonical transformation

Autor: Strockoz, J., Frakulla, M., Antonenko, D., Venderbos, J. W. F.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This paper develops a systematic strong coupling spin wave expansion of itinerant Kondo lattice magnets, magnets in which local moment spins are Kondo coupled to itinerant charge degrees of freedom. The strong coupling expansion is based on a canonical Schrieffer-Wolff transformation of the Hamiltonian, which is performed after $1/S$ expansion of the local moments and determined iteratively by requiring that spin-flip terms are removed at each order. We demonstrate that the canonical transformation can be viewed as an order-by-order diagonalization of the quantum Kondo coupling -- the dominant term in the strong coupling regime. A consequence is that the transformed electron operators correspond to electrons in a state of total spin $S\pm 1/2$ with the local moments, and the transformed boson operators describe spin wave excitations of the total local spin. We show that the electron degrees of freedom can be thought of as tightly bound spin polarons. We further show that the strong coupling spin wave expansion is readily extended to include the effects of spin-orbit coupling or electron pairing.
Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 3 appendices
Databáze: arXiv