Sensing force gradients with cavity optomechanics while evading backaction

Autor: Arvidsson, Elisabet K., Scarano, Ermes, Roos, August K., Qvarfort, Sofia, Haviland, David B.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We study force gradient sensing by a coherently driven mechanical resonator with phase-sensitive detection of motion via the two-tone backaction evading measurement of cavity optomechanics. The response of the cavity to two coherent pumps is solved by numerical integration of the classical equations of motion, showing an extended region of monotonic response. We use Floquet theory to model the fluctuations, which rise only slightly above that of the usual backaction evading measurement in the presence of the mechanical drive. Our analysis indicates that this sensing technique is advantageous for applications such as Atomic Force Microscopy.
Databáze: arXiv