Floquet Amorphous Topological Orders in a Rydberg Glass

Autor: He, Peng, Liu, Jing-Xin, Wu, Hong, Wang, Z. D.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We study the Floquet amorphous topological orders in experimentally accessible one-dimensional array of randomly pointed Rydberg atoms with periodic driving. The filling factor in the chain is tunable by applying a microwave field. We give a complete characterization of the topological properties from both the single-particle and many-body aspect. The periodic driving results in richer topological phases. At the single-particle level, we calculate the real space winding numbers and polarization, confirming robust amorphous topological phases with 0-type and $\pi$-type edge modes. We show a structural disorder induced topological phase transition acompanied with localization transition in the nonequilibrium system. Furthermore, in the many-body case we find the existence of amorphous topological orders of the hardcore bosons half-filled the chain, in contrast described by the topological entanglement entropy and the string order. Possible detection methods are also addressed.
Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures
Databáze: arXiv