Laser-stimulated photodetachment of electrons from the negatively charged dielectric substrates

Autor: Ussenov, Y., Shneider, M. N., Yatom, S., Raitses, Y.
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: It is shown experimentally that the photodetachment yield of surplus electrons created by plasma-induced charging of non-conductive surfaces of dielectric materials depends on the initial surface charge density and do not correlate with the tabulated affinity values of these materials. This unexpected result obtained using laser-stimulated photodetachment for fused silica, boron nitride, and alumina, is critically important for the understanding of charging and discharging dynamics, secondary electron emission, and photoemission effects affecting plasma-wall interactions relevant to surface and capacitively coupled discharges, dusty plasmas, electrostatic probe diagnostics and applications for plasma processing of materials, plasma propulsion and gas breakdown.
Databáze: arXiv