A minimal solution to the axion isocurvature problem from a non-minimal coupling

Autor: Berbig, Maximilian
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The main limitation for pre-inflationary breaking of Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry is the upper bound on the Hubble rate during inflation from axion isocurvature fluctuations. This leads to a tension between high scale inflation and QCD axions with Grand Unified Theory (GUT) scale decay constants, which reduces the potential for a detection of tensor modes at next generation CMB experiments. We propose a mechanism that excplicitly breaks PQ symmetry via non-minimal coupling to gravity, that lifts the axion mass above the Hubble scale during inflation and has negligible impact on today's axion potential. The initially heavy axion gets trapped at an intermediate minimum during inflation given by the phase of the non-minimal coupling, before it moves to its true CP-conserving minimum after inflation. During this stage it undergoes coherent oscillations around an adiabatically decreasing minimum, which slightly dilutes the axion energy density, while still being able to explain the observed dark matter relic abundance. This scenario can be tested by the combination of next generation CMB surveys like CMB-S4 and LiteBIRD with haloscopes such as ABRACADABRA or CASPEr-Electric.
Comment: v1: 5 pages, 2 figures + 1 appendix, 2 figures, Comments are always welcome! v2: references added, estimate about value of Ricci scalar in solar system, impact of kination clarified, appendix about inflationary fluctuations as DM + oscillating Ricci scalar during reheating + non-adiabatic transition to reheating; conclusions unchanged
Databáze: arXiv