AC Josephson Signatures of the Superconducting Higgs/Amplitude Mode

Autor: Lahiri, Aritra, Choi, Sang-Jun, Trauzettel, Björn
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The Higgs mode in superconductors corresponds to oscillations of the amplitude of the order parameter. While its detection typically entails resonant optical excitation, we present a purely transport-based setup wherein it is excited in a voltage biased Josephson junction. Demonstrating the importance of order parameter dynamics, the interplay of Higgs resonance and Josephson physics enhances the second harmonic Josephson current oscillating at twice the usual Josephson frequency in transparent junctions featuring single-band s-wave superconductors. If the leads have unequal equilibrium superconducting gaps, this second harmonic component may even eclipse its first harmonic counterpart, thus furnishing a unique hallmark of the Higgs oscillations.
Databáze: arXiv