A Dynamic Shortest Paths Toolbox: Low-Congestion Vertex Sparsifiers and their Applications

Autor: Kyng, Rasmus, Meierhans, Simon, Gutenberg, Maximilian Probst
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We present a general toolbox, based on new vertex sparsifiers, for designing data structures to maintain shortest paths in dynamic graphs. In an $m$-edge graph undergoing edge insertions and deletions, our data structures give the first algorithms for maintaining (a) $m^{o(1)}$-approximate all-pairs shortest paths (APSP) with \emph{worst-case} update time $m^{o(1)}$ and query time $\tilde{O}(1)$, and (b) a tree $T$ that has diameter no larger than a subpolynomial factor times the diameter of the underlying graph, where each update is handled in amortized subpolynomial time. In graphs undergoing only edge deletions, we develop a simpler and more efficient data structure to maintain a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximate single-source shortest paths (SSSP) tree $T$ in a graph undergoing edge deletions in amortized time $m^{o(1)}$ per update. Our data structures are deterministic. The trees we can maintain are not subgraphs of $G$, but embed with small edge congestion into $G$. This is in stark contrast to previous approaches and is useful for algorithms that internally use trees to route flow. To illustrate the power of our new toolbox, we show that our SSSP data structure gives simple deterministic implementations of flow-routing MWU methods in several contexts, where previously only randomized methods had been known. To obtain our toolbox, we give the first algorithm that, given a graph $G$ undergoing edge insertions and deletions and a dynamic terminal set $A$, maintains a vertex sparsifier $H$ that approximately preserves distances between terminals in $A$, consists of at most $|A|m^{o(1)}$ vertices and edges, and can be updated in worst-case time $m^{o(1)}$. Crucially, our vertex sparsifier construction allows us to maintain a low edge-congestion embedding of $H$ into $G$, which is needed for our applications.
Databáze: arXiv