Group actions on multitrees and the $K$-theory of their crossed products

Autor: Brownlowe, Nathan, Spielberg, Jack, Thomas, Anne, Wu, Victor
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We study group actions on multitrees, which are directed graphs in which there is at most one directed path between any two vertices. In our main result we describe a six-term exact sequence in $K$-theory for the reduced crossed product $C_0(\partial E)\rtimes_r G$ induced from the action of a countable discrete group $G$ on a row-finite, finitely-aligned multitree $E$ with no sources. We provide formulas for the $K$-theory of $C_0(\partial E) \rtimes_r G$ in the case where $G$ acts freely on $E$, and in the case where all vertex stabilisers are infinite cyclic. We study the action $G\curvearrowright \partial E$ in a range of settings, and describe minimality, local contractivity, topological freeness, and amenability in terms of properties of the underlying data. In an application of our main theorem, we describe a six-term exact sequence in $K$-theory for the crossed product induced from a group acting on the boundary of an undirected tree.
Databáze: arXiv