Slicely countably determined points in Banach spaces

Autor: Langemets, Johann, Lõo, Marcus, Martin, Miguel, Zoca, Abraham Rueda
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We introduce slicely countably determined points (SCD points) of a bounded and convex subset of a Banach space which extends the notions of denting points, strongly regular points and much more. We completely characterize SCD points in the unit balls of $L_1$-preduals. We study SCD points in direct sums of Banach spaces and obtain that an infinite sum of Banach spaces may have an SCD point despite the fact that none of its components have it. We then prove sufficient conditions to get that an elementary tensor $x\otimes y$ is an SCD point in the unit ball of the projective tensor product $X \widehat{\otimes}_\pi Y$. Regarding Lipschitz-free spaces on compact metric spaces, we show that norm one SCD points of their unit balls are exactly the ones that can be approximated by convex combinations of strongly exposed points of the unit ball. Finally, as applications, we prove a new inheritance result for the Daugavet property to its subspaces, we show that separable Banach spaces for which every convex series of slices intersects the unit sphere must contain an isomorphic copy of $\ell_1$, and we get pointwise conditions on an operator on a Banach space with the Daugavet property to satisfy the Daugavet equation.
Comment: version 2 - Improvement on Theorem 5.1
Databáze: arXiv