Topological diffusive metal in amorphous transition metal monosilicides

Autor: Franca, Selma, Grushin, Adolfo G.
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Phys. Rev. Materials 8, L021201 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.L021201
Popis: In chiral crystals crystalline symmetries can protect multifold fermions, pseudo-relativistic masless quasiparticles that have no high-energy counterparts. Their realization in transition metal monosilicides has exemplified their intriguing physical properties, such as long Fermi arc surface states and unusual optical responses. Recent experimental studies on amorphous transition metal monosilicides suggest that topological properties may survive beyond crystals, even though theoretical evidence is lacking. Motivated by these findings, we theoretically study a tight-binding model of amorphous transition metal monosilicides. We find that topological properties of multifold fermions survive in the presence of structural disorder that converts the semimetal into a diffusive metal. We characterize this topological diffusive metal phase with the spectral localizer, a real-space topological indicator that we show can signal multifold fermions. Our findings showcase how topological properties can survive in disordered metals, and how they can be uncovered using the spectral localizer.
Comment: 8 + 12 pages; 4 + 13 figures. Published version
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