Conveying Autonomous Robot Capabilities through Contrasting Behaviour Summaries

Autor: Du, Peter, Murthy, Surya, Driggs-Campbell, Katherine
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: As advances in artificial intelligence enable increasingly capable learning-based autonomous agents, it becomes more challenging for human observers to efficiently construct a mental model of the agent's behaviour. In order to successfully deploy autonomous agents, humans should not only be able to understand the individual limitations of the agents but also have insight on how they compare against one another. To do so, we need effective methods for generating human interpretable agent behaviour summaries. Single agent behaviour summarization has been tackled in the past through methods that generate explanations for why an agent chose to pick a particular action at a single timestep. However, for complex tasks, a per-action explanation may not be able to convey an agents global strategy. As a result, researchers have looked towards multi-timestep summaries which can better help humans assess an agents overall capability. More recently, multi-step summaries have also been used for generating contrasting examples to evaluate multiple agents. However, past approaches have largely relied on unstructured search methods to generate summaries and require agents to have a discrete action space. In this paper we present an adaptive search method for efficiently generating contrasting behaviour summaries with support for continuous state and action spaces. We perform a user study to evaluate the effectiveness of the summaries for helping humans discern the superior autonomous agent for a given task. Our results indicate that adaptive search can efficiently identify informative contrasting scenarios that enable humans to accurately select the better performing agent with a limited observation time budget.
Databáze: arXiv