Hybrid controlled-SUM gate with one superconducting qutrit and one cat-state qutrit and application in hybrid entangled state preparation

Autor: Su, Qi-Ping, Zhang, Yu, Bin, Liang, Yang, Chui-Ping
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Physical Review A 105, 042434 (2022)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.042434
Popis: Compared with a qubit, a qudit (i.e., $d$-level or $d$-state quantum system) provides a larger Hilbert space to store and process information. On the other hand, qudit-based hybrid quantum computing usually requires performing hybrid quantum gates with qudits different in their nature or in their encoding format. In this work, we consider the qutrit case, i.e., the case for a qudit with $d$=3. We propose a simple method to realize a hybrid quantum controlled-SUM gate with one superconducting (SC) qutrit and a cat-state qutrit. This gate plus single-qutrit gates form a universal set of ternary logic gates for quantum computing with qutrits. Our proposal is based on circuit QED and operates essentially by employing a SC ququart (a four-level quantum system) dispersively coupled to a microwave cavity. The gate implementation is quite simple because it only requires a single basic operation. Neither classical pulse nor measurement is needed. The auxiliary higher energy level of the SC ququart is virtually excited during the gate operation, thus decoherence from this level is greatly suppressed. As an application of this gate, we discuss the generation of a hybrid maximally-entangled state of one SC qutrit and one cat-state qutrit. We further analyze the experimental feasibility of creating such hybrid entangled state in circuit QED. This proposal is quite general and can be extended to accomplish the same task in a wide range of physical system, such as a four-level natural or artificial atom coupled to an optical or microwave cavity.
Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures
Databáze: arXiv