Supersymmetric dS4 solutions in D=11 supergravity

Autor: Di Gioia, M., Gutowski, J.
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2022)214
Popis: Supersymmetric warped product dS4 solutions in D=11 supergravity are classified. The Killing spinor is associated with two possible stabilizer groups, SU(3) and G_2. We show that there are no solutions to the Killing Spinor equations in the G_2 stabilizer case. For the SU(3) stablilzer case, all of the conditions imposed from supersymmetry on the 4-form flux, and the geometry of the internal manifold, are determined in terms of SU(3) invariant spinor bilinears.
Comment: 31 pages, latex
Databáze: arXiv