Ridge polariton laser: different from a semiconductor edge-emitting laser

Autor: Souissi, H, Gromovyi, M, Gueye, T, Brimont, C, Doyennette, L, Solnyshkov, D, Malpuech, G, Cambril, E, Bouchoule, S, Alloing, B, Rennesson, S, Semond, F, Zúñiga-Pérez, J, Guillet, T
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Physical Review Applied 18, 044029 (2022)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.18.044029
Popis: We experimentally demonstrate the difference between a ridge polariton laser, and a conventional edge-emitting ridge laser operating under electron-hole population inversion. The horizontal laser cavities are 20 -- 60 $\mu$m long GaN etched ridge structures with vertical Bragg reflectors. We investigate the laser threshold under optical pumping and assess quantitatively the effect of a varying optically-pumped length. The laser effect is achieved for an exciton reservoir length of just 15% of the cavity length, which would not be possible in a conventional ridge laser, with an inversion-less polaritonic gain about 10 times larger than in equivalent GaN lasers. The modelling of the cavity free spectral range demonstrates the polaritonic nature of the modes.
Databáze: arXiv