A Diffeomorphic Aging Model for Adult Human Brain from Cross-Sectional Data

Autor: Thottupattu, Alphin J, Sivaswamy, Jayanthi, Krishnan, Venkateswaran P.
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Normative aging trends of the brain can serve as an important reference in the assessment of neurological structural disorders. Such models are typically developed from longitudinal brain image data -- follow-up data of the same subject over different time points. In practice, obtaining such longitudinal data is difficult. We propose a method to develop an aging model for a given population, in the absence of longitudinal data, by using images from different subjects at different time points, the so-called cross-sectional data. We define an aging model as a diffeomorphic deformation on a structural template derived from the data and propose a method that develops topology preserving aging model close to natural aging. The proposed model is successfully validated on two public cross-sectional datasets which provide templates constructed from different sets of subjects at different age points.
Databáze: arXiv