Presymplectic AKSZ formulation of Einstein gravity

Autor: Grigoriev, Maxim, Kotov, Alexei
Rok vydání: 2020
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2021)181
Popis: Any local gauge theory can be represented as an AKSZ sigma model (upon parameterization if necessary). However, for non-topological models in dimension higher than 1 the target space is necessarily infinite-dimensional. The interesting alternative known for some time is to allow for degenerate presymplectic structure in the target space. This leads to a very concise AKSZ-like representation for frame-like Lagrangians of gauge systems. In this work we concentrate on Einstein gravity and show that not only the Lagrangian but also the full-scale Batalin--Vilkovisky formulation is naturally encoded in the presymplectic AKSZ formulation, giving an elegant supergeometrical construction of BV for Cartan-Weyl action. The same applies to the main structures of the respective Hamiltonian BFV formulation.
Comment: notations updated, typos corrected, 23 pages
Databáze: arXiv