Monolayer black phosphorus by sequential wet-chemical surface oxidation

Autor: Wild, Stefan, Lloret, Vicent, Vega-Mayoral, Victor, Vella, Daniele, Nuin, Edurne, Siebert, Martin, Koleśnik-Gray, Maria, Löffler, Mario, Mayrhofer, Karl J. J., Gadermaier, Christoph, Krstić, Vojislav, Hauke, Frank, Abellán, Gonzalo, Hirsch, Andreas
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: RSC Adv. 2019, 9, 3570-3576
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1039/C8RA09069F
Popis: We report a straightforward chemical methodology for controlling the thickness of black phosphorus flakes down to the monolayer limit by layer-by-layer oxidation and thinning, using water as solubilizing agent. Moreover, the oxidation process can be stopped at will by two different passivation procedures, namely the non-covalent functionalization with perylene diimide chromophores, which prevents the photooxidation, or by using a protective ionic liquid layer. The obtained flakes preserve their electronic properties as demonstrated by fabricating a BP field-effect transistor (FET). This work paves the way for the preparation of BP devices with controlled thickness
Databáze: arXiv