Contribution of field measurements in the study of composites reinforced with flax fibers during quasi-static tensile tests

Autor: Cuynet, Amélie, Toussaint, Franck, Roux, Emile, Scida, Daniel, Ayad, Rezak
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 1{\`e}re Conf{\'e}rence EuroMaghr{\'e}bine des BioComposites, Mar 2016, Marrakech, Maroc
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This work is based on the study of the behaviour of flax fibres twill reinforced epoxy composites. The aim of the study is to determine the modulus of elasticity, Poisson coefficients and strength of these composites materials with image correlation. The specimens used in this work were manufactured by the infusion vacuum process and after subjected to quasi-static tensile tests. Two numeric cameras were disposed perpendicular to the front and to the side of the specimen so as to achieve a sequence of visible digital pictures during the test. The recorded pictures were analysed with the image correlation software 7D in order to calculate ad hoc measurements of displacements and strain fields. To check the validity of the results, measurements were compared to those obtained by classical extensometry. We found that, despite the low levels of strains, results of identifications from optical extensometry were very promising.
Comment: in French
Databáze: arXiv