Lab::Measurement - A portable and extensible framework for controlling lab equipment and conducting measurements

Autor: Reinhardt, S., Butschkow, C., Geissler, S., Dirnaichner, A., Olbrich, F., Lane, C. E., Schröer, D., Hüttel, A. K.
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Computer Physics Communications 234, 216 (2019)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.07.024
Popis: Lab::Measurement is a framework for test and measurement automatization using Perl 5. While primarily developed with applications in mesoscopic physics in mind, it is widely adaptable. Internally, a layer model is implemented. Communication protocols such as IEEE 488, USB Test & Measurement, or, e.g., VXI-11 are addressed by the connection layer. The wide range of supported connection backends enables unique cross-platform portability. At the instrument layer, objects correspond to equipment connected to the measurement PC (e.g., voltage sources, magnet power supplies, multimeters, etc.). The high-level sweep layer automates the creation of measurement loops, with simultaneous plotting and data logging. An extensive unit testing framework is used to verify functionality even without connected equipment. Lab::Measurement is distributed as free and open source software.
Comment: Published version (open access, CC BY 4.0). 7 pages; refers to Lab::Measurement 3.660, see
Databáze: arXiv