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We present a model for the scaling of mixing in weakly rotating stratified flows characterized by their Rossby, Froude and Reynolds numbers Ro, Fr, Re. It is based on quasi-equipartition between kinetic and potential modes, sub-dominant vertical velocity and lessening of the energy transfer to small scales as measured by the ratio rE of kinetic energy dissipation to its dimensional expression. We determine their domains of validity for a numerical study of the unforced Boussinesq equations mostly on grids of 10243 points, with Ro/Fr> 2.5 and with 1600< Re<1.9x104; the Prandtl number is one, initial conditions are either isotropic and at large scale for the velocity, and zero for the temperature {\theta}, or in geostrophic balance. Three regimes in Fr are observed: dominant waves, eddy-wave interactions and strong turbulence. A wave-turbulence balance for the transfer time leads to rE growing linearly with Fr in the intermediate regime, with a saturation at ~0.3 or more, depending on initial conditions for larger Froude numbers. The Ellison scale is also found to scale linearly with Fr, and the flux Richardson number Rf transitions for roughly the same parameter values as well. Putting together the 3 relationships of the model allows for the prediction of mixing efficiency scaling as Fr-2~RB-1 in the low and intermediate regimes, whereas for higher Fr, it scales as RB-1/2, as already observed: as turbulence strengthens, rE~1, the velocity is isotropic and smaller buoyancy fluxes altogether correspond to a decoupling of velocity and temperature fluctuations, the latter becoming passive. |