Spatial Offsets in Flare-CME Current Sheets

Autor: Raymond, John C., Giordano, Silvio, Ciaravella, Angela
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa7848
Popis: Magnetic reconnection plays an integral part in nearly all models of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The reconnection heats and accelerates the plasma, produces energetic electrons and ions, and changes the magnetic topology to form magnetic flux ropes and allow CMEs to escape. Structures that appear between flare loops and CME cores in optical, UV, EUV and X-ray observations have been identified as current sheets and interpreted in terms of the nature of the reconnection process and the energetics of the events. Many of these studies have used UV spectral observations of high temperature emission features in the [Fe XVIII] and Si XII lines. In this paper we discuss several surprising cases in which the [Fe XVIII] and Si XII emission peaks are spatially offset from each other. We discuss interpretations based on asymmetric reconnection, on a thin reconnection region within a broader streamer-like structure, and on projection effects. Some events seem to be easily interpreted as projection of a sheet that is extended along the line of sight that is viewed an angle, but a physical interpretation in terms of asymmetric reconnection is also plausible. Other events favor an interpretation as a thin current sheet embedded in a streamer-like structure.
Comment: 7 pages, 15 figures
Databáze: arXiv