Entanglement Entropy and Boundary Conditions in 1+1 Dimensions

Autor: Michel, Ben, Srednicki, Mark
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Calculations of the entanglement entropy of a spatial region in continuum quantum field theory require boundary conditions on the fields at the fictitious boundary of the region. These boundary conditions impact the treatment of the zero modes of the fields and their contribution to the entanglement entropy. We explore this issue in the simplest example, the c=1 compact-boson conformal field theory in 1+1 dimensions. We consider three different types of boundary conditions: spatial Neumann, temporal Neumann, and Dirichlet. We argue that the first two are well motivated, and show that they lead to the same result for the Renyi entropies as well as the entanglement entropy, including a constant term that corresponds to the Affleck-Ludwig boundary entropy. The last set of boundary conditions is less well motivated, and leads to a different value of the constant term. The two values are related by a duality transformation on the compact boson. We also verify some of our results with heat-kernel methods.
Comment: 16 pages
Databáze: arXiv