Analyse lexicale outill{\'e}e de la parole transcrite de patients schizophr{\`e}nes

Autor: Amblard, Maxime, Fort, Karën, Demily, Caroline, Franck, Nicolas, Musiol, Michel
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Traitement Automatique des Langues, ATALA, 2015, Natural Language Processing and Cognition, 55 (3), pp.25
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This article details the results of analyses we conducted on the discourse of schizophrenic patients, at the oral production (disfluences) and lexical (part-of-speech and lemmas) levels. This study is part of a larger project, which includes other levels of analyses (syntax and discourse). The obtained results should help us rebut or identify new linguistic evidence participating in the manifestation of a dysfunction at these different levels. The corpus contains more than 375,000 words, its analysis therefore required that we use Natural Language Processing (NLP) and lexicometric tools. In particular, we processed disfluencies and parts-of-speech separately, which allowed us to demonstrate that if schizophrenic patients do produce more disfluencies than control, their lexical richness is not significatively different.
Comment: in French
Databáze: arXiv